In 1921, the Corpus Hellenisticum was established at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg by Ernst von Dobschütz (1870–1934). The project is devoted to a wide area of research within Hellenistic religious and cultural history, spanning the time from the fourth century BCE into the early Middle Ages. The approach is interdisciplinary, pursuing research questions in traditional classical studies, Jewish studies as well as in individual disciplines within in Biblical and classical studies. The central focus of research lies on sources relevant for the interpretation of Biblical texts, including both inscriptions and manuscripts.
Researchers not only collect, edit and interpret sources, both inscriptions and manuscripts, but also present sources relevant for the exegesis of the Old and the New Testament anew (e.g., New Wettstein). The chief goal consists in the publication of results for the professional guild, for students and for the wider public. This includes the edition and further analysis of ancient sources in databases and other electronic resources.
Latest Publications:
Annette Weissenrieder in collaboration with André Luiz Visinoni,
The Old Latin Manuscripts of the Gospel of Luke. A New Edition of the Codex Vercellensis Luke Based on Multi-Spectral Images
Prof. Dr. Annette Weissenrieder:
Architexture: Textual Representation and Practices of Sacred Spaces in the Ancient World (A. Weissenrieder and Jan Stenger)
Prof. Dr. Annette Weissenrieder:
Biblical Anthropology. A Philosophical, Medical, and Sociological Sourcebook (A. Weissenrieder, K. Dolle)
Prof. Dr. Annette Weissenrieder: https://shop.autorenwelt.de/products/korper-und-verkorperung-biblische-anthropologie-im-kontext-antiker-medizin-und-philosophie-ein-quellenbuch-fur-die-septuaginta-und-das-neue-testament-von-annette-weissenrieder-katrin-dolle-katrin-dolle-hrsg
Annette Weissenrieder und André Luiz Visinoni:
Annette Weissenrieder:
Stefan Schorch:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schorch: https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/447921
Prof. Dr. Frank Uebeschaer: https://www.sbl-site.org/assets/pdfs/pubs/060467P.pdf
Clarissa Paul:
Saskia Breuer/Clarissa Paul/Eckart David Schmidt (Hg.), Konflikte und Krisen im Neuen Testament und ihre Bewältigungsstrategien (WUNT II 587), Tübingen 2023