Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Commentary on the Book of Ben Sira (IECOT)

The book of Ben Sira is the work of a Jewish intellectual in the early 2nd cent. BCE. Written in Hebrew, most likely in Jerusalem, it was translated into Greek by the grandson of the author in Egypt two generations later.

Thereby, the book is involved in Hellenism at various levels. First, the author himself aims to give a new shape to traditional Jewish theologumena for his time. He presents nothing less than a sapiential theology of Jewish traditions. In the following textual transmission of the book, the grandson's translation into Greek is a new contextualization and a new framing of the book, not only in linguistic terms but also with its new accentuations.

Today, the book of Ben Sira is accessible in four textual traditions: Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, and Latin. Although all of these assert a claim to represent the book itself, they diverge so much that it is impossible to trace back the texts to an "Urtext". Therefore, the book of Ben Sira is not only important for textual history but also for the multifarious plurality of Hellenistic Judaism and Christianity.

The project follows the guidelines of the IECOT series to consider both the synchronic and the diachronic aspects of texts. Therefore, both the textual pragmatics of the different versions and the textual development are considered. Thus, the project contributes to textual research as well as to Hellenistic Jewish and Christian intellectual history.

Septuagint research

Research on different books of the Hebrew Bible and their textual transmission (1Kings, Lamentations, Hosea, Psalms, Sirach). Beside to the textual development, priority is given to the intersection of textual transmission and redaction history.

Director: Prof. Dr. Frank Alexander Ueberschaer

Der neue Wettstein

Der Neue Wettstein ist ein Projekt des Corpus Hellenisticums Abteilung am Institut für Bibelwissenschaften – Seminar für Neues Testament, das in der Amtszeit von Prof. Dr. Udo Schnelle verfolgt wurde.
wiss. Mitarbeiter: apl. Prof. Dr. Manfred Lang

1.  Biographie zu Johann Jakob Wettstein
2.  Die Neubearbeitung

Aufklärung durch Philologie. Johann Jakob Wettsteins Beitrag zur Kontextualisierung der Apostelgeschichte in der ntl. Exegese des 18. Jahrhunderts

Das Projekt ist angesiedelt im Grenzgebiet von Klassischer Philologie, Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte der Aufklärung sowie der ntl. Exegese.

Leitung: apl. Prof. Dr. Manfred Lang

wiss. Mitarbeiter:

Aufkärung durch Philologie
