Institute of Bible Studies and Church History
Old Testament

The study of the Old Testament encompasses the following areas:
- History of the people of Israel in antiquity
- Introduction to the Old Testament from a literary-historical perspective
- Interpretation (exegesis) of Biblical scriptures
- Theology of the Old Testament within the context of its religious history and hermeneutics
A general overview of the objectives and context of these areas of study is available here:
The Old Testament between the Orient and Modernity.
New Testament

The study of the New Testament is focused on the philological, literary and theological dimensions of the writings of the New Testament. More
Church History

As a theological discipline, Church History studies and describes the emergence and dissemination of the Christian life and doctrine from the beginnings of Christianity to the present. More
Seminar for Eastern Christianity

The “Seminar for Eastern Christianity” aims to study the life and teachings of the Orthodox Churches and other churches of Eastern and Oriental traditions, and offers courses in those subject areas to students of Protestant theology. Its aim is also to compare the exegetical, historical, systematic-theological, liturgical and intercultural dimensions of the Eastern and Western ecclesiastical traditions.
Christian Archeology and Ecclesiastical Art

Christian Archeology and Ecclesiastical Art studies the wealth of Christian architectural works, paintings, sculptures and artifacts of the former territories of the Roman Empire, and in subsequent periods of the Western Church, that have been preserved until now or are depicted in the historical sources.

The Faculty of Theology offers courses in classical/scriptural languages, which constitute a prerequisite for the study of theology. The Faculty also conducts supplementary exams for the Abitur (university entrance exam) for Hebrew (Hebraicum), Greek (Graecum), and Latin (Latinum) as stipulated by the federal state of Saxony Anhalt. Language classes are offered every semester – information on the summer course for Hebrew can be found here.
• Jens Kotjatko-Reeb teaches Hebrew and Aramaic.
• Thomas Hübner teaches Greek and Latin.
Institute of Systematic Theology, Practical Theology and Religious Studies
Systematic Theology

As subdisciplines of systematic theology, dogmatics, ethics and philosophy reflect upon the inculcation of elements of Christian faith and life in religious (Christian) institutions (parishes, social welfare organizations, educational institutions) and other social and cultural areas of life.
Seminar for Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology

As a theological discipline, Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology privileges the study of the modalities of the communication and transformation processes transpiring between Christianity and non-Christian religions and philosophies in diverse cultural contexts.