- General description
- Core course offerings
- Special topics courses
- Module Advisor
- Languages
- Projects
- Collections
- Professors
- Associates
- Alumni
- Private Docents
- Visiting lecturers and staff directly associated with Church History
- Student Assistants
General description
As a theological discipline, Church History studies and describes the emergence and dissemination of the Christian life and doctrine from the beginnings of Christianity to the present. Within the disciplinary framework of Church History, events are analyzed through the lens of emerging theoretical perspectives. The history of the church, and of Christianity, bears close links to social transformations and thus must be studied as a part and in the context of broader historical trajectories. For that reason, Church History invests in cultivating interdisciplinary ties to other disciplines with a historical and philological orientation. The study of Church History is currently focused on the history of ecclesiastical institutions, of piety and doctrine, as well as the church-state relationship.
Core course offerings
- Survey lectures (history of dogma is integral to the lecture series)
- KG I
- KG I
- Introductory, core and advanced seminars as well as recitation classes (tutorials)
Special topics courses
Lecture classes, (interdisciplinary) seminars and tutorials in the following areas:
- Theory and Methods of Church History
- Patrology
- Late Middle Ages (transition from the Middle Ages to Reformation)
- reformatory movements
- History and Philosophy in 18th Century (Enlightment/Pietism)
- Contemporary History
- Discourse Theory Approaches and Historiography
Module Advisor
Masters' and Module Advisor can be found on the following page:
For more information please see:
- Research under the aegis of the Interdisciplinary Center for Pietism Research at Martin Luther University in conjunction with the Francke Foundations in Halle
- Research on Lutheran Orthodoxy and Reformation History conducted in conjunction with the Leucorea Foundation in Wittenberg
- Research on Early Christian Apologetics in the context of Late Antiquity. This project is being carried out in cooperation with Aarhus University (Denmark).
- The Migration of Faith. Clerical Exile in Late Antiquitiy (325-600). This project is being carried out in cooperation with University of Sheffield (England) and Aarhus University (Denmark).
Special libraries dedicated to the history of the West Slavic Religious and Church History and the Regional Church History of the Church Province of Saxony (Kirchenprovinz Sachsen) and Anhalt.
Prof. Dr. Udo Sträter (emeritus)
- Born in 1960, since 1.9.2002 Professor of Church History in Halle, since 2003 University Preacher at Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg
- Research interests: 2nd century apologetics; Christianity and Judaism in Christian antiquity; Christianity and Late Antiquity; Church and theology in the 12th century context of a paradigm shift
- born in 1966, since 2018 Professor for Newe Church History in Halle and Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for the Studies on Pietism
- Research interests: Church- and Cultural History of the early Reformation, Churchhistory of the 18th and 20th century, discours theory and historiography
Jun. Prof. Dr. Stanislau Paulau
Prof. Dr. Blossom Stefaniw (Heisenberg Fellow)
- Thea Sumalvico, Research Associate
- Christiana Steiner, Research Associate
- Paulien Wagener, Research Associate
- Nora Blume, Research Associate at the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies on Pietism
- Justus Vesting, former Research Associate
- Dr. Anna Briskina-Müller, Research Associate, External funding/DFG /German Research Foundation
- Elisa Bellucci, former PhD fellow in the EU/ITN network "The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization"
- Elisa Victoria von Mallinckrodt, geb. Blum, former research Associate
Private Docents
Visiting lecturers and staff directly associated with Church History
- Dr. Anna Briskina-Müller
- Dr. Blossom Stefaniw (Heisenberg Fellow)
- Ilka Ißermann
- Martin Kötters
- Sebastian Bonk
- Dr. Klaus vom Orde
- Deborah Haferland
- Christiana Steiner
- Jakob Debelka
- Giovanni Tortoriello
Student Assistants
Student assistants at the Chair for Patristics
- Felicitas Simmat
- Janna Rieke Lüttmann
- Kai Klemm-Lorenz

Felicitas Simmat

Janna Rieke Lüttmann

Kai Klemm-Lorenz
Student assistants at the Chair for Modern Church History
- Esther Holtschulte (
Administrative Assistant
Early Church History (Prof. Dr. Jörg Ulrich)
Ms. Kinder, hours: Monday - Friday 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. and by appointment
Tel: +49 (0) 345 / 55 230 51
Modern Church History (Prof. Dr. Friedemann Stengel)
Ms. Markus: Office hours - by appointment
Tel: +49 (0) 345 / 55 230 02
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Faculty of Theology
Institute of Historical Theology
Seminar for Church History
06099 Halle/Saale
Faculty of Theology
Church History
Franckeplatz 1, Haus 30, 1. OG
06110 Halle/Saale