Old Testament
in memoriam Karl-Martin Beyse
Es ist unsere traurige Pflicht, mitteilen zu müssen, dass der langjährige Hebräisch-Dozent unserer Fakultät, Akademischer Rat Dr. Karl-Martin Beyse, geb. am 7. Dezember 1934 in Magdeburg, am 29.Dezember 2020 in Halle verstorben ist. Im Nachrichtenarchiv der Theologischen Fakultät steht der von Ernst-Joachim Waschke verfasste Nachruf.
Summer course in Hebrew
Information on the Hebrew Summer Course can be found here.
General description
Old Testament Studies covers the following areas:
- Ancient history of the people of Israel
- Introduction to the Old Testament from a literary-historical perspective
- Interpretation (exegesis) of biblical scriptures
- Theology of the Old Testament within the context of its religious history and hermeneutics
Core courses
Language courses
- Biblical Hebrew
- Cursory reading of the Old Testament
- New Hebrew
- Information on the Hebrew Summer Course can be found here.
Lecture courses and seminars
- History of Israel
- Introduction to the Old Testament
- Theology, Anthropology and Cosmology of the Old Testament
- Exegesis of biblical books and thematically linked textual complexes
Proseminar (Introductory seminar)
Scientific methods of textual interpretation
Recitation classes (tutorials)
Biblical Studies, Hebrew language tutorial, tutorials for the subject area
Special course offerings
- Biblical Aramaic
- Ugaritic
- Training in epigraphy
- Palestinology and biblical archaeology
- Samaritanology
Prof Dr Frank Ueberschaer
Chair for Old Testament
Prof Dr Stefan Schorch Chair for Biblical Studies
personal website (independently maintained)
Email: sschorch@gmx.de
Prof Dr Arndt Meinhold (Emeritus)
Research interests: narrative theology in the Old Testament; wisdom of the Old Testament; cosmology; minor prophets (commentaries on the writings of Malachi)
Email: meinhold@theologie.uni-halle.de
Prof Dr Ernst-Joachim Waschke Research interests: messianism; anthropology; theology of the Old Testament
Email: waschke@theologie.uni-halle.de
Research Associates and other instructional staff
- Dr. Mirjam Bokhorst, Research Associate
- Evelyn Burkhardt, Research Associate, Samaritan Project
- Lea Hähnel-Bremer, Research Associate
- Amrei Koch, wiss. Mitarbeiterin
- Jens Kotjatko-Reeb, Language Instructor for Hebrew
- Dr Jutta Noetzel, Lecturer
- Alina Tarshina, Forschungsstelle Hebraistik
- PD Dr Johannes Thon, Lecturer
- PD Dr Benjamin Ziemer, Research Associate
Research Assistants
- see the Homepages of Prof. Stefan Schorch und Prof. Frank Ueberschaer
Doctoral candidates
- Amrei Koch: "Autoritätskonstruktion im Recht der Hebräischen Bibel" [Construction of Authority in Law of the Hebrew Bible] (Schorch)
- Martin Tscheu: "Ezechielbuch und spätpriesterliche Texte der Tora: Kultgesetzliche Interdependenz in den Textüberlieferungen" [The Book of Ezekiel and late priestly texts of the Torah: Interdependence of law and cult in the textual traditions] (Schorch)
Special collections
- Otto-Eißfeldt-Collection: Library comprising about 10,000 volumes relevant to the study of the Old Testament as well as of religion, history and archaeology of ancient Near East; special prints collection, bequest of letters.
- Extensive map collection of Palestine and the ancient Near East
- Collection of models representing different styles of historical buildings in Palestine (on permanent loan to the Canstein Bible Centre (Canstein-Bibelzentrum)
- Collection of historical photographs from Palestine, curated by Hans Schmidt
Administrative Assistant
Kathrin Engelmann
Email: kathrin.engelmann@theologie.uni-halle.de
Tel: +49 (0) 345 / 55 230 13
Fax: +49 (0) 345 / 55 272 14
Office hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Wed 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Office hours, telephone numbers and email addresses of the professors and associates are listed on the websites of the individual persons (use the navigation bar on the left side of the page).
Address and location
Mailing address for (campus) offices
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Faculty of Theology
Institute for Biblical Studies
06099 Halle (Saale)
Francke Foundations
Franckeplatz 1, House 25, 2nd Floor
06110 Halle (Saale)