Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Systematische Theologie

General description

Systematic Theology is comprised of the subdisciplines of dogmatics, ethics, and philosophy of religion.

  • Dogmatics renders a theoretical account of the fundamental articles of Christian faith. Its representation occurs against the backdrop of the history of ideas as it also draws on a critical analysis of historical references.
  • Ethics reflects on issues concerned with human actions. Theological ethics describes and analyses forms of the Christian way of life against the backdrop of the relationship to the self and the world in public and private contexts with aim to foster independent ethical judgment.
  • Philosophy of Religion explains the theoretical and practical use of reason through epistemological critique and categorical analysis. Given its focus on religion, it addresses the foundational principles that shape religious consciousness.
  • As subdisciplines of Systematic Theology, dogmatics, ethics and philosophy reflect upon the inculcation of the fundamental articles of Christian faith and life in religious (Christian) institutions (parishes, diaconia or social welfare organizations, educational institutions) and in the broader social and cultural spectrum.

Core courses

Lectures and seminars on the following topics:

Curriculum for dogmatics:

  • doctrine of God, anthropology, doctrine of creation, Christology, ecclesiology, eschatology

Curriculum for ethics:

  • doctrine of principles (action theory, norms theory), social ethics (institutions theory, cultural theory, area-specific ethics such as political ethics, economic and business ethics, environmental ethics), personal ethics (ethics of living)

Philosophy of religion:

  • prolegomena to dogmatics, theory of scientific knowledge (including hermeneutics), theory of religion, history of philosophy

History of the dogmas and theology:

  • Classical authors of theology, classical topics in theology

Seminar discussions revolve around lecture topics.

Special topics courses

  • Research seminars:

◦ Philosophy of religion in German idealism

◦ Modern sociology of religion

◦ Epistemology

◦ Fundamental ethics

◦ Interdisciplinary context for theology

  • Propaedeutic and methods courses


  • German Idealism
  • Theory of religion
  • History of philosophy and theory of modernity
  • Methodology of theology
  • Winter Semester 201617: Lecture series on  "Geschlecht/Identität. Aktuelle Perspektiven im Gespräch von Theologie und Gender Studies" / Gender/ Identity: Contemporary Perspectives in the discussion of Theology and Gender Studies
  • Project "Sozialstaatliche Leitideen im Protestantismus"    / Guiding Concepts of the Social/Welfare State in Protestantism (Special Research Field 537)
  • Project: "Der Geist der Zeiten in den reformatorischen Jubelfeiern. Gegenwartsdeutung in ausgewählten Universitätsreden aus Anlass der Feier von Reformationsjubiläen" / Spirit of the Times in the Reformation Jubilee Celebrations: Perspectives on the Present in Select University Speeches Held at the Reformation Jubilee Celebrations) at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Other important websites for systematic theology


Prof. Dr. Jörg Dierken

Prof. Dr. Dirk Evers

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Barth (em.)

Research Associates

Associate Professors

Student Assistants

Prof. Dr. Jörg Dierken:

  • Karsten Pahls
  • Mirijana Maßmann
  • Jonas Stephan

Prof. Dr. Dirk Evers:

  • Elisabeth Nebe
  • Tomke Hanneman

PD Dr. Constantin Plaul:

  • Sonja Leiser
  • Ulrike Jurkschat

Former staff

Administrative assistant

Gabriele Handke

Tel.: 55 230 11 |

Adress and location

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

Faculty of Theology

Institute for Systematic Theology

Franckeplatz 1, Haus 30

06099 Halle Saale
