Harry O. Maier

Harry O. Maier
Dr. Harry O. Maier
Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Studies
Vancouver School of Theology
6015 Walter Gage Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
Telephone: (604) 822-9461
Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
University of Erfurt
Steinplatz 2
99085 Erfurt
Telephone: 49 (0)361 7372800
E-mail: hmaier@vst.edu; harryomaier@gmail.com
University Positions and Fellowships
Vancouver School of Theology: 1994—present
Fellow MaxWeber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, University of Erfurt: annually from 2017 – present
Fellow Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: 1999, 2003, 2012, 2017
D. Phil: Oxford University, 1987
Master of Divinity: Lutheran Theological Seminary 1989
B.A.: Pacific Lutheran University, 1981
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- Religion of Quarters. Edited by Harry O. Maier and Emiliano Urciuoli. Religion in the Roman Empire 6 (2020).
- Encountering the Other: Christian and Multifaith Perspectives, Christian Religion and Public Life. Edited by Laura Duhan-Kapan and Harry O. Maier. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020.
- New Testament Christianity in the Roman World, Essentials of Biblical Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Seeing the God: Image, Space, Performance and Vision in the Religion of the Roman Empire, Politics, Culture and Religion in the Greco-Roman World, ed. Marlis Arnold, Harry O. Maier and Jörg Rüpke. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018.
- Il tempo presente ed altre catastrofi. Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, 2018.
- La costruzione dell'eretico nel cristianesimo delle origini. Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, 2015.
- Picturing Paul in Empire: Imperial Image, Text and Persuasion in the Writing of Colossians, Ephesians and the Pastoral Epistles. London/New York: Bloomsbury, 2013.
- The Calling of the Nations: Exegesis, Ethnography, and Empire in a Biblical-Historic Present, Mark Vessey, Harry O. Maier, Sharon V. Betcher, Robert Daum, eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.
- Apocalypse Recalled: The Book of Revelation after Christendom. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2002. (Winner of the Canadian Christian Writers Association Award for Best Book in Philosophy and Christian Leadership, 2003.)
- The Social Setting of the Ministry as Reflected in the Writings of the Shepherd of Hermas, Clement and Ignatius. Kitchener: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1991; reprinted 2002 in Studies in Christianity and Judaism/ Etudes sur le christianisme et le judaisme 11). (Winner of the Canadian Corportation of Religion Award for Best Dissertation in Religion, 1990.)
- Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time. Spatiotemporality/Raumzeitlichkkeit. Edited by Harry O. Maier and Katharina Waldner. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020.
- Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas. Edited by Angela Kim Harkins and Harry O. Maier. Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Medieval Period. Berlin: de Gruyter Press. Projected 2020.
- Visions of the End of the World, Christian Religion and Public Life 2. Edited by Harry O. Maier and Laura Duhan Kaplan, Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, Projected 2020.
- Starting to Study Theological: An Orientation to Thoughtful, Engaged, and Generous Theology. Edited by Ashley Moise, Richard Topping, and Harry O. Maier, Eugene, OR: Wipf&Stock. Projected 2020.
- The Oxford Handbook of New Testament Christianity in the Roman World. Edited by Harry O. Maier, Emiliano Urciuoli and Heidi Wendt, Oxford: Oxford University Press, contracted for 2024
- Colossians and Philemon Through the Centuries, Blackwell Bible Commentary. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, under contract.
Most Recent Articles/Collected Essays
- “Apocalypse and Apocalyptic in the Early Church.” In Re-Imagining Apocalypticism: Apocalypses, Apocalyptic Literature, and the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. John J. Collins and Lorenzo DiTommaso. Atlanta: SBL Press, forthcoming 2021.
- “Territorializing Space and Imagination: Uses of Roman Imperial Urban Ideals and Iconography in Imagining Right and False Teaching in Emergent Christian Discourse.” In Constructions of Space VI: Body and Experience in "This World" and "Other Worlds" in Ancient Mediterranean Spatial Imagination. Edited by Gert Pinsloo. London/ New York: Bloombury/T&T Clark, forthcoming 2021.
- “Paul’s Alternative Mediterranean.” In Mediterranean Studies in Antiquity: Setting the Agenda, edited by Rubina Raja. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2021.
- “Neighborhood” in Der Neue Pauly. Edited by Jan Bremmer and Jörg Rüpke. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming 2021.
- “Everyday Ethics in the Hellenistic-Roman City” in Ethik des Neuen Testament, UTBedited by Ruben Zimmerman. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming 2021.
- “Ritualizing Desire in The Shepherd of Hermas.” In Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas. Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Medieval Period. Edited by Angela Kim Harkins and Harry O. Maier. Berlin: De Gruyter Press, forthcoming, 2021.
- “Post-colonial Interpretation of the Book of Revelation” in The Oxford Handbook of the Book of Revelation, edited by Craig Koester, 499-516. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
- “‘I consider them shit.’: Paul, the Abject, and the Religious Construction of the Other.” In Encountering the Other: Christian and Multifaith Perspectives, Christian Religion and Public Life 1, 12-26. Ed. Laura Duhan-Kapan and Harry O. Maier. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020.
- “The Father, the Son, and John on Location in the Farewell Discourse,” Journal of the Bible and its Reception 7 (2020): 7-29.
- “Romans Watching Romans: Christ Religion in Close Urban Quarters and Neighbourhood Transformations,” Religion in the Roman Empire 6(2020): 104-119.
- (with Emiliano Urciuoli), “Urban Religion at the Neighborhood Level in the Roman Empire,” Religion in the Roman Empire 6(2020): 104-119.
- (with Katharina Waldner), “Introduction,” in Desiring Martyrs: : Locating Martyrs in Space and Time. Spatiotemporality/Raumzeitlichkkeit. Edited by Harry O. Maier and Katharina Waldner. Berlin: De Gruyter, forthcoming 2020.
- “The Book of Revelation and the Spatiotemporal Creation of Trauma. In Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time. Spatiotemporality/Raumzeitlichkkeit. Edited by Harry O. Maier and Katharina Waldner. Berlin: De Gruyter, forthcoming, 2020.
- “Business Women, Hospitality and Diverse Teachings in the Pastoral Epistles.” In Women, Christianity and Judaism, edited by Ilaria Ramelli and Joan Taylor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2020.
- “Exposed! Nakedness, Clothing, and Imperial Iconographical Themes in Early Christian Apocalyptic Literature.” In Dress and Antiquity. Edited by Alicia Batten and Kelly Olson. London/New York: Bloomsbury, forthcoming, 2020.
- “Making History with the Shepherd of Hermas,”, Early Christianity 10(2019): 501-520.
- “The Cosmic Christ and His Gospel,” Visual Commentary on Scripture (thevcs.org). December 2018. Curated by Ben Quash. Three expositions of art in conversation with Col. 1.15-20 and a synthetic essay. Accessed 25 January 2019. thevcs.org/cosmic-christ-and-his-gospel.
- “Onesimus, Philemon and the Apostle Paul: A Case Study in Individualization and Dividuation in Imperial Spatial Contexts.” In Religious Individualization: Types and Cases. Historical and Cross-cultural Types and Cases. Historical and Cross-cultural Explorations, Vol. 1, edited by Martin Fuchs, Bernd-Christian Otto, Rahul Parson and Jörg Rüpke, 519-40. Erfurt: University of Erfurt, 2019.
- “Marcion the Circumcizer.” In Marcion as Religious Entrepreneur. Studia Patristica Supplement 92. Edited by Markus Vinzent. Leiden: Brill, 2019, 97-108.
- Salience, Multiple Affiliation, and Christ Belief in the Lycus Valley.” In The First Urban Churches 5: Colossae, Hierapolis, and Laodicea, edited by James R. Harrison and L.L. Welborn, 153-173. Atlanta: SBL, 2019.
- “Seeing the Blood of God: The Triumphant Charade of Ignatius of Antioch the God-Bearer.” In Seeing the God: Image, Space, Performance and Vision in the Religion of the Roman Empire, Politics, Culture and Religion in the Greco-Roman World, edited by Marlis Arnold, Harry O. Maier and Jörg Rüpke. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018, 209-24.
- (with Marlis Arnold) “Introduction,” Seeing the God: Image, Space, Performance and Vision in the Religion of the Roman Empire, Politics, Culture and Religion in the Greco-Roman World, edited by Marlis Arnold, Harry O. Maier and Jörg Rüpke. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018.
- “The Awful Lines of Eusebius of Caesarea.” In Lines in Spacetime Perspective, edited by Jutta Vinzent. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, 169-85.
- “Images, Rites, Text and the Apostle Paul.” In Questions d’interpretation: images, rites, textes / The Problem of Interpretation: Images, Rites, Texts, edited by Philippe Hoffmann, Jürg Rüpke, and Carlo Altini. Stuttgart: Springer, 2018, 29-40.
- ““Paul, the Greek Old Testament and the Promotion of the Flavian Order in 1 Clement.” In The Early Reception of the Paul the Second Temple Jew. Library of Second Temple Studies 92, edited by Isaac W. Oliver, Gabriele Boccaccini and Eric Noffke. New York/ London: T&T Clark/ Bloomsbury, 2018, 301-16.
- “Early Christian Martyrology, Imperial Thirdspace and Mimicry: Taking the Spatial Turn to the Arena.” In Space Time of the Imperial, Spatio Temporality/Raumzeitlichkeit 1, edited by Susanne Rau, Holt Meyer and Katharina Waldner. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016, 354-84.
- “Paul, Imperial Situation, and Visualization in the Epistle to the Colossians.” In The Art of Visual Exegesis: Rhetoric, Texts, Images, Emory Studies in Early Christianity 16, edited by Vernon K. Robbins, Roy R. Jeal and Walter S. Melion. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017, 171-94.
- “1/2 Clement,” Oxford Bibliographies On-line. Oxford University Press, 2016.
- “The Shepherd of Hermas,” Oxford Bibliographies On-line. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
- “‘For here we have no lasting city….’: Flavian Iconography, Roman Imperial Sacrificial Iconography, and the Epistle to the Hebrews.” In Hebrews in Context, Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 91, ed. Gabriella Gelardini and Harold W. Attridge. Brill: Leiden, 2015, 133-54.
- “San Pabo, Certeau, tácticas y estrategias,” Michel de Certeau: Una Herencia. La Torre del Virrey. Revista de Estudios Culturales 17 (2015): 36-47.
- “Histoire Croisée, Entangled Bodies, Boundaries, and Socio-Political Geography in the letter to the Colossians.” In Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performance, WUNT, edited by Annette Weissenrieder. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016, 77-94.
- “The Apostolic Fathers,” “Ignatius of Antioch.” In The T&T Clark Companion to the Atonement. Edited by Adam Johnson. New York/London: T&T Clark, Bloomsbury, 2017, 371-76, 547-50.
- “Space, Body and Church in Ignatius of Antioch: Toward a Spatial Treatment.” In Studies on the Text of the New Testament and Early Christianity in Honor of Michael W. Holmes. New Testament Tools, Studies, and Documents. Edited by Dan Gurtner, Juan Hernández, and Paul Foster. Leiden: Brill, 2015, 517-36.
- “Public and Private in Emergent Christian Discourse.” In Public and Private in Ancient Mediterranean law and Religion, Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten 65, edited by Jörg Rüpke and Clifford Ando (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015), 143-64.
- “Colossians, Ephesians, and Empire.” In An Introduction to the New Testament and Empire, Resources for Biblical Study. Edited by Adam Winn. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016, 185-202.
- “Come and See: The Promise of Visual Exegesis,” Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review 47 (2015): 152-57.
- “Ignatius of Antioch,” “Bishop,” “Deacon,” “Deaconness,” “Colossians,” “Ephesians,” “1,2 Thessalonians.” In Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions. Edited by Jennifer Knust, Eric Oberlin, Michael Satlow, and Lizbeth Fried. New York and London: Routledge, 2015.
Most Recent Reviews
- Christus Militans: Studien zur politisch-militärischen Semantik im Markusevangelium vor dem Hintergrund des ersten jüdisch-römischen Krieges (Gabriella Gelardini), forthcoming Review of the Enoch Seminar
- “Ulme stützt Weinstock”: Literarisierung kirchlicher Verkündigung auf der Basis paganer Formen bei Clemens von Alexandrien. Orbis antiquus 47 (Florian Amselgruber), SBL Review of Biblical Literature 02/2019.
- About Earth’s Child: An Ecological Listening to the Gospel of Luke. The Earth Bible Commentary Series 2. (Michael Trainor), forthcoming Catholic Biblical Quarterly.
- Assembling early Christianity. Trade, networks, and the letters of Dionysius of Corinth (Cavan W. Concannon), forthcoming The Journal of Ecclesiastical History.
- Acts of the Apostles and the Rhetoric of Roman Imperialism (Drew W. Billings), forthcoming Histos: The Online Journal of Ancient Historiography.
- John: An Earth Bible Commentary: Supposing Him to be the Gardener (Margaret Daley-Denton), forthcoming Biblical Theology Bulletin.
- The Young Against the Old (L.L. Welborn), forthcoming Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
- The Father-Son Relationship and Christological Symbolism in the Gospel of John (Adesola Joan Akala), Biblical Theology Bulletin 47 (2017): 236-38.
- Silence and Praise: Rhetorical Cosmology and Theology in the Book of Revelation (Ryan Leif Hansen) Biblical Theology Bulletin 47 (2017): 233-34.
- The Origin of Heresy: A History of Discourse in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity (Robert Royalty) Church History.
- Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Jewish Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (Jodi Magness), forthcoming Near Eastern Archaeology.
- Meals in the Early Christian World: Social Formation, Experimentation and Conflict at the Table (edited by Dennis E. Smith and Hal Tausig), forthcoming Anglican Theological Review.
- “Religious Experience in Antiquity, Shepherd of Hermas and Religious Experience,” Respondent, SBL, Denver, 19 November 2019.
- “Romans Watching Romans: The Shepherd of Hermas and Neighbourhood Transformations,” Centro Italiano di Studi Superiori sulle Religioni, Christian Origins, Bertinoro, 26 September 2018.
- “Ekphrasis in the Arena,” Vivid Speech in Early Christianity, Leibniz Universität, Hannover, 25 Sepember, 2018.
- “Hermas and Neighbourhood Transformation,” Eisenach, Universität Erfurt, 4 July 2018.
- “1 Clement and Persuasion,” Oberseminar, Institut für Neues Testament, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, 5 July 2018.
- “Hermas and the City,” Oberseminar, Seminar des Neuen Testaments, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 15 June 2018.
- “Geocritical Travels with Eusebius of Caesarea,” SBL, Boston, 20 November 2017.
- “Visual Exegesis: An Historians Dialogue with Biblical Scholars,” SBL, Boston, 18 November 2017.
- “The Shepherd of Hermas and Time,” Harvard Divinity School, 16 November, 2017.
- “The Book of Revelation in Time and Space,” week long doctoral seminar, Fondazione San Carlo, Modena, 22-26 May, 2017.
- “Paul, the Greek Old Testament and the Promotion of the Flavian Order in 1 Clement,” The Early Reception of the Paul the Second Temple Jew, Nangeroni Seminar, Rome, 27 June 2016.
- Book Panel Respondent of Harry O. Maier, Picturing Paul in Empire: Imperial Image, Text and Persuasion in Colossians, Ephesians and the Pastoral Epistles, Socio-Rhetorical Criticism and Contested Paulines sections, SBL, 19 November 2015.
- Seeing the Blood of God: The Triumphant Charade of Ignatius of Antioch the God-Bearer,” Seeing the God: Image, Space, Performance and Vision in the Religion of the Roman Empire, Bonn 27 May 2015.
- Seeing the Blood of God: The Triumphant Charade of Ignatius of Antioch the God-Bearer,” Seeing the God: Image, Space, Performance and Vision in the Religion of the Roman Empire, Bonn 27 May 2015.
- “The Shepherd of Hermas and Religious Experience,” SBL Religious Experience in Antiquity/ Inventing Christianity: Apostolic Fathers, Apologists, and Martyrs Section, organized with Angela Kim Harkins, Denver, SBL, 19 November, 2018.
- “Religion of Quarters: Practicing Religion on a Neighbourhood Scale in the Hellenistic and Imperial Periods,” co-organized with Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli and Jörg Rüpke, Eisenach, 4-6 July 2018.
- “Worlds of Wonder: Sacred Geography in Cross-disciplinary Perspective,” co-organized with Dr. Paula Pryce, Green College Speakers Series, Green College, UBC, 2017/18.
- “Locating Martyrs and Space/Time,” co-organized with Prof. Dr. Katharina Waldner, Erfurter Raumzeit-Gruppe, University of Erfurt, 7-8 June 2017.
- “Faces of the Apocalypse,” co-organized with Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan Kaplan, Vancouver School of Theology, 23-25 May 2017.
- “Religious Constructions of the Other,” co-organized with Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan Kaplan, Vancouver School of Theology 10-12 May 2016.
- “Seeing the God, Being Seen by the God: Space, Performance, and Vision in the Religions of the Roman Empire,” co-organized with Marlis Arnold and Jörg Rüpke, Bonn, 27-29 May 2015.
- Founder, Co-organizer and Co-chair of The Greater Vancouver Biblical Colloquium, 2008- present.
- “The Title in the Text: Biblical Hermeneutics and Colonial and Post-Colonial Preoccupations” co-hosted with Sharon Betcher, Robert Daum, and Mark Vessey, Green College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Sept-May 2002/03.
- “Consultation on the Teaching and Interpretation of the Bible in the United Church of Canada” sponsored by the Wabash Foundation, co-hosted with Jim Lindenberger, Richard Ascough, and Leif Vaage, Vancouver, BC 18-22 April 2002.
- 2016—present --- associate editor, Bryn Mawr Classical Review
- 2020—present -- co-editor with Laura Dujan Kaplan of Christian Religion and Public Life book series
- 2016—present --- editorial board, Spatiotemporality/Raumzeitlichkit. Practices – Concepts – Media/Praktiken – Konzepte – Medien
- 2015—present --- editorial board, Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity
- 2001—present --- international editorial advisor to The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
- American Academy of Religion
- Canadian Society of Biblical Studies
- Canadian Society of Patristic Studies
- North American Patristics Society
- Society of Biblical Literature
- Societas Studiorum Novi Testamenti (elected)
- Oxford University Press
- Cambridge University Press
- Baylor University Press
- University of Pennsylvania Press
- Fortress Press
- Gorgias Press
- William B. Eerdmans Press
- Journal of Early Christian Studies
- Biblical Interpretation