Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Samaritanisch-Hebräisches Wörterbuch

Samaritanische Synagoge - vor dem Gebet

Samaritanische Synagoge - vor dem Gebet

Samaritanische Synagoge - vor dem Gebet

The "Lexicon of Samaritan Hebrew According to the Samaritan Pentateuch Tradition" is a project headed jointly by Moshe Florentin    (Tel Aviv University) and Stefan Schorch (MLU), in cooperation with the Research unit "Hebraistik" ("Forschungsstelle Hebraistik") at Leucorea Wittenberg   .

The project aims at the creation of a scholarly dictionary of the Samaritan Hebrew dialect which is attested in the Samaritan Pentateuch tradition. It will encompass the manuscripts of the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Samaritan oral reading tradition of the Pentateuch, and the early exegetical traditions within the Samaritan community as preserved in Samaritan Aramaic sources (especially the Samaritan Targum, the early Samaritan liturgical poems, and the Samaritan midrashim), as well as in Samaritan Arabic sources (especially the Samaritan Arabic translation of the Pentateuch and exegetical texts). The dictionary will feature a comprehensive etymological, morphological, and semantic analysis of each lexeme found in the Samaritan Pentateuch, based on close reading of the Samaritan versions and with cognizance of traditional Samaritan lexicography. Each entry will provide the following data:
1. Lemma; 2. Etymological cognates (including other traditions of Hebrew); 3. Attributed meaning in Samaritan literature (Targum, Arabic translation of the Torah); 4. Morphological inventory; 5. Determination of semantics (with exact
references and contextual quotations); 6. Derivates.

The project is supported in the framework of joint project "Thinking from the Margins: Textual Plurality Outside the Masoretic Tradition", together with Jean-Sébastien Rey    (Université de Lorraine, Metz), and financed by the Agence nationale de la recherche    (ANR) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft    (DFG).

For detailed information on the project, see here   .

Academic staff:

Alina Tarshina, PhD (Tel Aviv / Israel)

Frank Weigelt   , PhD (Bergen / Norwegen)

Student research assistants:

stud. phil. Leonhard Becker

stud. phil. Anna Hampel
